Assume nothing, test everything!
Key Issues that we often deal with...
Gut Health
It all starts in the gut. Your gut health and looking after your microbiome can be vital to your overall health. The ancient Greek Father of Medicine penned that all disease begin in the gut. Let medicine be thy food and food thy medicine. The balance of the micro-organisms in the gut is vital to brain health, lungs, immune, hormones, absorption of micro-nutrients, and more. Millions of people suffer from unhealthy gut without realizing the importance of getting relief from gut issues. Now you can get started with healing the gut by getting critical biofeedback from Scio device and scientific questionnaire.Blood Sugar
Maintaining a normal blood sugar range is the key to many people’s healing. “Low blood sugar is not only the most common cause of disease in the majority of my patients, but also the shadow or underlying cause of most degenerative disease.” - Dr J D’ Adamo. Millions of people have blood sugar issues and do not even know they have a dangerous problem…there are also many causes of blood sugar issues. As it is critical to correct blood sugar issues like insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia, the root cause of your blood sugar issues can be addressed and reversed.Stress
Modern man is under a lot of chronic stress and most people are in fight, flight or freeze mode most of the time. Because of the harmful effect of stress on the body, it can easily be called the number one Serial Killer. With Scio and scientific Questionnaires, it can be discovered how your body is reacting to stress, as well as the intensity of the reactions. With the feedback we get, we can create a natural stress relief program.Toxicity
General toxicity has become a serious health concern, mostly overlooked. Tons of toxins is released on the plant each year and our own inherent detoxification mechanisms become overloaded, or can be dysfunctional in the first place because of genetic dysfunctions. “Most toxin exposures are chronic and happen over years and even decades of accumulation and can cause many conditions like cancer, auto-immune disorders and neurodegenerative disease” Dr Jill Carnahan. “The best method for helping people is to reduce levels of toxic exposure and improve detoxification in the body. Determine your toxic burden with the Questionnaire and contact us to reduce it for better health.Inflammation
"Every degenerative disease is a disease of inflammation." - Dr Tom O Bryan. "I can’t emphasize enough how strong the link is between silent inflammation and life threatening diseases." - Dr Barry Sears. These and many more doctors are becoming so aware of the devastating role of chronic inflammation in modern man. Inflammation is actually the lifesaving component of your immune system. We would not have gotten far in a hostile world of pathogens and damage to the body without inflammation, but the modern way of living has turned on the inflammation system for most living beings and produces chronic inflammation which can cause pain, destroy cells, damage arteries, in short, chronic inflammation is the opposite of wellness. The good news is, if you become aware of chronic and silent inflammation, much can be done about it and you can achieve a state of wellness. First you need to find out what the extent of the inflammation is. State of the art Scio can assess levels of inflammation, plus blood tests can also be used to scientifically measure the extent of your inflammation. A course of action can then be developed – a pathway back to wellness.KEY ISSUES THAT WE CAN HELP YOU WITH...
01. Gut
It all starts in the gut. Your gut health and looking after your microbiome can be vital to your overall health. The ancient Greek Father of Medicine penned that all disease begin in the gut. Let medicine be thy food and food thy medicine. The balance of the micro-organisms in the gut is vital to brain health, lungs, immune, hormones, absorption of micro-nutrients, and more. Millions of people suffer from unhealthy gut without realizing the importance of getting relief from gut issues. Now you can get started with healing the gut by getting critical biofeedback from Scio device and scientific questionnaire. Complete the questonnaire and if your value is higher than............... talk to us.
02. Blood Sugar
Maintaining a normal blood sugar range is the key to many people’s healing. “Low blood sugar is not only the most common cause of disease in the majority of my patients, but also the shadow or underlying cause of most degenerative disease.” - Dr J D’ Adamo. Millions of people have blood sugar issues and do not even know they have a dangerous problem…there are also many causes of blood sugar issues. As it is critical to correct blood sugar issues like insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia, the root cause of your blood sugar issues can be addressed and reversed. Check our list of symptoms and if you have any concerns, contact us.
03. Stress
Modern man is under a lot of chronic stress and most people are in fight, flight or freeze mode most of the time. Because of the harmful effect of stress on the body, it can easily be called the number one Serial Killer. With Scio and scientific Questionnaires, it can be discovered how your body is reacting to stress, as well as the intensity of the reactions. With the feedback we get, we can create a natural stress relief program. Complete our questionnaire and if you have concerns, contact us with your totals.
04. Toxicity
General toxicity has become a serious health concern, mostly overlooked. Tons of toxins is released on the plant each year and our own inherent detoxification mechanisms become overloaded, or can be dysfunctional in the first place because of genetic dysfunctions. “Most toxin exposures are chronic and happen over years and even decades of accumulation and can cause many conditions like cancer, auto-immune disorders and neurodegenerative disease” Dr Jill Carnahan. “The best method for helping people is to reduce levels of toxic exposure and improve detoxification in the body. Determine your toxic burden with the Questionnaire and contact us to reduce it for better health.
05. Inflammation
"Every degenerative disease is a disease of inflammation." - Dr Tom O Bryan. "I can’t emphasize enough how strong the link is between silent inflammation and life threatening diseases." - Dr Barry Sears. These and many more doctors are becoming so aware of the devastating role of chronic inflammation in modern man. Inflammation is actually the lifesaving component of your immune system. We would not have gotten far in a hostile world of pathogens and damage to the body without inflammation, but the modern way of living has turned on the inflammation system for most living beings and produces chronic inflammation which can cause pain, destroy cells, damage arteries, in short, chronic inflammation is the opposite of wellness. The good news is, if you become aware of chronic and silent inflammation, much can be done about it and you can achieve a state of wellness. First you need to find out what the extent of the inflammation is. State of the art Scio can assess levels of inflammation, plus blood tests can also be used to scientifically measure the extent of your inflammation. A course of action can then be developed – a pathway back to wellness. Check your symptoms and if you have concerns about high inflammations, contact us.
Quiz - Gut Health
Have you ever taken antibiotics? Yes or No
Do you use antacids? Yes or No
Are you often constipated? Yes or No
Do you have diarrhea or loose stools? Yes or No
Do you have intestinal cramping or bloating? Yes or No
Do you often have gas? Yes or No
Are you prone to vaginal yeast infections? Yes or No
Do you have intestinal candidiasis? Yes or No
Are you concerned about family history of colon cancer? Yes or No
Are you prone to bladder infections? Yes or No
Do you have skin problems like eczema? Yes or No
Are you lactose intolerant? Yes or No
Do you get frequent infections ? Yes or No
Do you have irritable bowel syndrome? Yes or No
Do you have ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease? Yes or No
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you might have an imbalance of intestinal bacteria. Contact us with the results and learn what you can do.

Detoxification Questionnaire
Rate each of the following symptoms based on your typical health profile for the specified duration:0 Past month 0 Past week 0 Past 48 hours
TOTAL (add total)
Nausea, vomiting Diarrhea
Bloated feeling
Belching, passing gas
Intestinal/stomach pain
TOTAL (add total)
Watery or itchy eyes
Swollen, reddened or sticky eyelids
Bags or dark circles under eyes
Blurred or tunnel vision
TOTAL (add total)
Pain or aches in joints
Stiffness or limitation of movement
Feeling of weakness or tiredness
Pain or aches in muscles
TOTAL (add total)
Itchy ears
Earaches, ear infections
Drainage from ear
Ringing in ears, hearing loss
TOTAL (add total)
Binge eating/drinking hearing loss
Craving certain foods
Excessive weight
Water retention
Compulsive eating
TOTAL (add total)
Stuffy nose
Sinus problems
Hay fever
Sneezing attacks
Excessive mucus formation
TOTAL (add total)
Chronic coughing
Gagging, frequent need to clear throat
Sore throat, hoarseness, loss of voice
Swollen or discolored tongue, gums, lips
Canker sores
TOTAL (add total)
Fatigue, sluggishness
Apathy, lethargy
TOTAL (add total)
Poor memory
Confusion, poor comprehension
Difficulty in making decisions
Stuttering or stammering
Slurred speech
Learning disabilities
Poor concentration
Poor physical coordination
TOTAL (add total)
Hives, rashes, dry skin
Hair loss
Flushing, hot flashes
Excessive sweating
TOTAL (add total)
Chest pain
Irregular or skipped heartbeat
Rapid or pounding heartbeat
TOTAL (add total)
Mood swings
Anxiety, fear, nervousness
Anger, irritability, aggressiveness
TOTAL (add total)
Chest congestion
Asthma, bronchitis
Shortness of breath
Difficulty breathing
TOTAL (add total)
Frequent illness
Frequent or urgent urination
Genital itch or discharge
TOTAL (add total)